Baeckelandt Geert
Baeckelandt Geert
About this project
He began his musical career (Belgium) in the local music school,acauiring several diplomas with distinction,at het conservatory of Brussels and Antwerp, with prof Walter Boeykens.
He studied in Basel (Switserland)with Hans Rudolf Stalder,learning the interpretation of the classical clarinet.He took several classes with Eric Hoeprich.He participated with the “5 key”clarinet in B’rock and Concert l’Astrée.
He was for several years clarinetist of the Royal Symphonic Band of the Guides,the most important wind band in Belgium.He was member as first clarinet in the New Belgian Chamber orchestra,the Beethoven academie,Collegium instrumentale Brugense,Prima la Musica and I Fiamminghi.With I Fiamminghi he went on tour all over the world,with a soloist performance in the Metropolitan Arts Centre in Tokyo.
Nowadays he is principal clarinet of Casco Phil chamber orchestra .He is often invited in the Belgian National Orchestra,and Philharmonie Zuid in the Netherlands.
As a performer of chamber music repertoire,he is part of all kinds of formations as wind quintet,clarinet and piano trio,duo with piano and harp.He is specialist in playing the bassethorn.
He is professor of clarinet at the Fontys High School of Arts in Tilburg (The Netherlands.
He is clarinet teacher at the conservatory of Bruges,academy of Tielt and Torhout.
He is invited for masterclasses in Holland,Croatia,RussiaJapan, Argentina an Gran Canaria.