Strydom Danré
Strydom Danré
About this project
DANRÉ STRYDOM has established herself as one of South Africa’s premier solo, chamber and orchestral musicians. After attending the Interlochen Arts Camp, USA, she began her formal studies at the University of the Free State. She furthered her studies at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music, where she worked with renowned clarinetists Eli Eban and Eric Hoeprich. She holds separate Master’s Degrees in Clarinet, early Clarinet – and Bass Clarinet Performance from the Royal Conservatory at Ghent University and completed her PhD at the University of the Free State. After playing clarinet/bass clarinet for the award-winning Brussels Philharmonic from 2009 to 2013, she accepted a position as woodwind lecturer at the UF’s Odeion School of Music. She is currently principal clarinetist of the Free State Symphony Orchestra, an International Buffet Crampon artist, continental chairperson of the International Clarinet Association, chairperson of the Free State Eisteddfod and ZA International Woodwind Competition as well as member of the “Die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns.”