Villarroel Mera Eduardo
Villarroel Mera Eduardo
About this project
Clarinet player born in Burgos in 1998, began his training in his hometown, at the Rafael Frühbeck Professional Music Conservatory in Burgos under the tutelage of Joaquín Carvajal, where he also received classes from Gina Lisa Gazzaniga and David Romero. Then, he has studied the bachelor’s degree at MUSIKENE (Higher School of Music of the Basque Country) led by José Luis Estellés, Sergio Barranco, Antony Pay and Henri Bok.
He finished his master studies at Fontys (Tilburg, The Netherlands) with maestro Eddy Vanoosthuyse, and gives also lessons with Lars Wouters and Henri Bok (bass clarinet). He is also finished the Master of Interpretation and Composition of Jazz and Modern Music at UNIR (La Rioja, Spain).
He has been expanding his knowledge with clarinetists of the stature of Julian Bliss, Carlos Gil, Miguel Expósito, Venancio Rius, Harri Mäki, Jesús Serrano, José Franch-Ballester, Philippe Berrod, Luis Gómes, among others.
At this moment, he is the principal clarinet in the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Burgos (JOSBU) and he is member of the Jong Metropole Orchestra (The Netherlands) and NJO (Nationaal Jeugdorkest). In addition, he has participated in professional bands and orchestras such as the Basque Country Orchestra (OSE), the Dutch National Opera&Ballet of Netherlands with the Concertgebouworkest, Opera Zuid in Maastricht, Bilbao Symphony Orchestra (BOS), Burgos Symphony Orchestra (OSBu), Granada City Orchestra (OCG), Valencia Municipal Band or the Bilbao Municipal Band.
All this has allowed him to work under the tutelage of directors such as Juanjo Mena, José Rafael Pascual-Vilaplana, Johan de Meij, Giancarlo Guerrero, Javier Castro, Giancarlo Andretta, Arturo Tamayo, Jochen Neuffer, Pedro Bartolomé, Ansgar Striepens, Eduardo Portal or Juan Luis Martínez.